You Can Become an Entrepreneur at Any Age!

I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit for almost as long as I can remember. I recall catching minnows and selling them to local fisherman at about age 8, making bracelets out of seashells and selling them at the roadside with a girlfriend at about the same age. Having a greeting card and small gifts business from […]

Birthing My Book: Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster

  When I set out to write my first book “Learning to Dance with Life: A Guide for High Achieving Women” that launched on Amazon last week, I had no idea the emotional roller coaster I would ride in the weeks leading up to “going public” with the book. About a month before launch day, […]

Appreciating the small things

I recently returned from a consulting mission in Afghanistan. Whenever I return from a developing country I become aware of so many things I often take for granted. Reflecting on my recent business trip here are some things I am grateful for: • Freedom; the freedom to walk in the streets and in nature. In […]

Reflections & Intentions: Celebrating Endings & New Beginnings

December is a great month to reflect on your achievements from the current year and to set intentions for the coming year. According to William Bridges[1] (based on 30 years of research), in order to move successfully from one life transition to another, it is important to let go of any negative emotions associated with […]

The Power of Story

I recently had a positive experience that reinforced for me the power of story to connect us with others and more deeply with ourselves. The editor of F.I.N.E. Success Magazine emailed me after reading my story on this website. She contacted me about sharing the story with her readers, as she believed it would inspire […]