When is enough, enough?

How do you know when it’s time to leave a position or career that no longer excites you? What I’ve discovered in working with clients over the past 7 years, is that when we’re stuck in one part of our life, we’re usually stuck in other parts as well. The good news is when we […]

Believe that You are here to Make a Difference

Many High Achieving Women know from a young age that we’re here to make a difference in the world. We may know that we are here for an important reason but have no clue as to what that difference is. In order to truly understand yourself and discover what difference you are here to make, […]

Are You Passionate about Your Work?

Do you remember when you used to wake up excited about going to work? Do you NOW usually drag yourself out of bed, rather than hitting the ground running? Are you no longer “juiced” by what you do? Do you feel SOoo tired at the end of the day? If so, you are not alone. […]