The Art of “Letting Go”

Have you ever been at a place in your life when you needed to “let go” in order to move forward? It’s interesting how we cling to jobs, relationships, possessions, memories, and the way our lives used to be. Certainty and sameness are indeed safe, yet they can lead to staleness and disengagement in our […]

Life Transitions – Turning Challenges into Opportunities

For many of us changes, particularly those we can’t control, are stressful and challenging to deal with, whether they be the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, or a health crisis.  Yet all of these life changes are challenges that may be turned into opportunities. William Bridges in his book “ Transitions […]

The Power of Story

I recently had a positive experience that reinforced for me the power of story to connect us with others and more deeply with ourselves. The editor of F.I.N.E. Success Magazine emailed me after reading my story on this website. She contacted me about sharing the story with her readers, as she believed it would inspire […]

Are You Giving Too Much?

The act of giving in and of itself is a positive experience. It makes us feel good when we share our gifts, talents, time … with others. That said, often as High Achieving Women we give too much. What are some signs that you are giving too much? Are you feeling SOOO tired? Do you […]

The Importance of Play in Our Lives

Spring is a season that reconnects me with my inner child. I see the world with new eyes; with child-like wonder. I get “spring fever” and find it hard to focus on work. This is partly because I live in a climate that has long, cold winters; and bursting of buds, appearance of robins and […]

Finding Inner Peace: An Antidote to Life as a “Spinning Top”

When you think of “finding inner peace” you may visualize yourself on a mountaintop in lotus position, far away from your current reality. Realistically though, as appealing as that image may be, most of us don’t have the time or money to spend our lives meditating on mountaintops.  …  A poem that for me describes […]

My Life as a “Spinning Top”

For many years my life was all about work. I worked crazy hours, went to bed thinking about work and awoke with work on my mind. I would “hit the ground running”, rather than take time to “ground myself” and quiet my busy mind. In interactions with others, I was often thinking of the next […]